To successfully develop your organization, you need not only clear direction and know-how but also accountability in your execution.
These Courses will cover all three of these necessities.

Courses can be assigned to any individual inside your organization with the Team Assignment function, or users can manage their assignments on their Assignment screen. Any of the different Courses can be prioritized to solidify an individual's sense by drag and drop Courses on the Assignments screen. The Assignments bestows individual users some direction on how and when to push the organization forward. One can implement Account Management services, while another works on the pricing and packaging and the third implements a tool to complete the solution stack.
Vendor-driven content
Courses are developed by vendors, subject matter experts, consulting companies or by your organization. Courses can consist of Articles (text documents), Lectures (video-based information), Processes (step-by-step items you can import to your PSA as projects), Resources (downloadable files), Live Training (webinars, live meetings etc.) or Quizzes (mini-assessments with certification). Course creators have wide-ranging opportunity to build interactive and engaging materials. Courses are divided by segments. Upon completion of all of a segment's material, the user can proceed to the next segment. This helps ensure every learner that they're covering everything and not skipping anything they need.
PSA Integration
Courses can be tracked by the business owner, by HR or by any manager. Progression on any course is visible on the Assignments screen. However, activating the internal project is a something new. In many circumstances, employees don't get to the internal projects, if only because they have conflicting priorities, so Course materials can be imported to your PSA (ConnectWise, Autotask or Basecamp) as internal projects with deliverables, tickets and time requirements. In this way, service managers can assign the internal project deliverables to specific people, which gives the employees clear priorities and time allowances to execute the tasks.