Choose your COVID-19 Remote Work approach: Audit & Roadmap or Self Assessment?

Choose whether to use the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Audit & Roadmap or the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment.

Choose your approach

You can use either a high-touch approach with clients - You complete an audit for them (optionally you can send end-user questions) meet with them remotely through a video conference, walk through the issues and generate an action plan based on pre-created projects.

This is in support of your existing communication and client engagement process

  • No Setup is required
  • No Customization is required
  • Easy to follow and control the process

Or you can use a low-touch approach with your clients and prospects - You set up a Self-Assessment Grader on your website that they can complete in seconds. You and the client receive a report with a basic score indicating potential next steps.

This supports your marketing communication and client communication

  • Setup is required on your website
  • The template can be customized
  • Process design is recommended


High Touch Approach - Access the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Audit Report

Create a new client, add a report and complete the assessment.

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Low Touch Approach - Access the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment

Setup the grader  to your website and invite clients to complete the survey and receive a report

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