How do I build a Persona?

Personas or Dashboards, help communicate information based on a topic or specific goal.

  • Choose from any of the Global or Local Persona: Click on the "Personas" button.  Use the tabs to select between Global or Local Personas.  Apply the Persona by clicking the double chevron button.
  • Edit/Create a New Persona:

    • Use the pencil icon on the far right to create or edit personas.
    • Add or remove widgets (such as budget summaries, project roadmaps, or security reviews) based on the client’s needs.
  • Save the Persona: Once you've created or edited a persona, save it either as a global persona for broad use or as a local persona for that specific client.

    • To save a new Persona you must first edit, add, or remove a Widget.
    • An * next to the Persona name indicates if it has been changed and can be saved.
    • To create a new Persona, save it with a unique name.
    • Saving to an existing Global Persona will update it anywhere it has been applied.
    • Local Personas can only be applied and viewed within the context of the client you are currently in.
  • Optional Features:

    • If you're integrating external tools like Power BI, Brightgauge, or other web-based data, use the iframe feature to embed them into the persona, allowing interaction directly within the platform.