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Smart Scores Overview

In this article we walk through how to create smart score assessments at the global and client level. We also run through client-automated assessments and project creation

Creating your first smart assessment rule:
Standardizing Firewall Management with Smart Assessments

In this example we will create a networking rule that looks for firewalls that are not FortiGate

  1. Navigate to https://app.managedservicesplatform.com/home
  2. Click "Setup"

  1. Click "Smart assessments"
  2. Click Add a new category
  3. Name the Category "Networking" 
  4. Click "Add a new sub category."
  5. Name the subcategory: "Firewall Standardization"
  6. Click "Add new query"
  7. Name this query "Standardize Firewalls"
    1. You can create many sub queries here to focus on building out your stack.  We will just do one.
    2. We will put a project name of "Non-Standard Firewalls"  to be a little more descriptive as this is what will show up on the project roadmap.
    3. Give a description of the query for documentation purposes
  8. Click Save
  9. Ok now lets create the query
  10. Click "Add new query"
  11. Dropdown and change Name to "Asset Type"
  12. Change Query to "Contains"
  13. Type Firewall for string.  
  14. Add new rule to this query by clicking + Rule

  1. A new rule will be added
  2. Change field from equal to, to "Not equal to"
  3. Type "Fortigate" for string
  4. Click the "Click here to enter Future state" field.
  5. Type "50"
  6. For recommendation we need to select a template,  this template will be used to attach matching assets to.
    1. Type "firewall"
    2. Select "Architecture - Deploy Standard Firewall Solution"
  7. The Query should now look like this

  1. Click "SAVE"

Lets run the rule!

  1. Go to your favorite test client.
  2. Click "Smart Scores"

  3. Click "Manage
  4. Expand the Networking Category and select the query "Standardize Firewalls" to import

  5. Back to Smart Scores
  7. Select the Standardize Firewalls rule
  8. Click Run Assessments
  9. This will bring up a project recommendation if there are any assets that are not fortigate firewalls.
    1. You can hover over each project in the list to see what assets were found.
  1. The projects will not be created on the roadmap until you click create so lets do that now.
  2. This will bring up a new proposal that you can give to the clientor you can cancel here if you are not ready to create a proposal.
  3. The new projects are now on your project management list!

Creating the proposal


When you clicked the Create button above it took you to a proposal creation window. Proposals are a great way to wrap up your findings and hand them to your clients.  Since you selected templates during the query creation all the sales collateral will be ready for you!

  1. Name the proposal something the client will care about.
  2. Also give it a note to let the client know what this proposal is for.
  3. Click Save! You can now find this proposal under the proposals tab.

How to Import Smart Assessments from a Template

  1. Navigate to https://app.managedservicesplatform.com/smart-assessment/assessments
  2. Click "Setup"
  3. Click "Smart assessments"
  5. Click category “Architecture”.
  6. Click sub Category
  7. Click ruleset
  8. Note it only selected 1 rule, the - sign allows you to know there are more rules you can Import.
  10. Now lets verify those rules are in place.
  11. Click Category
  12. Click Sub category
  13. Check and see the rules are written the way you want.  You might change a few parameters to match your stack.

Verify the Rules with a client

Head back to Clients to apply rules to a client.

  1. Click the client you want where you want to apply the rules.
  2. Click "Smart Scores"
  3. You will need to import the global rules that you want to run to the client.
  4. Click Manage
  5. Click the Catagory where your rules are.
  6. Expand the sub catagory
  7. Click Import on each category you want to import.
  8. Click to import smart rules to this client.  Select as many as you want!
  9. Head back to Smart Scores
  10. Run Assessments
  11. Select assessments to run, in this case we will select all Architecture and Networking.

Now you have a list of gaps with projects created and assets attached.  

Smart Assessment Scoring Logic Diagram