User Profile
To change your profile information, photo or password, visit the Profile section of your settings details.

The password should have a minimum of 6 characters.
If you want to change the password or profile information of your team members, visit the Team section.
Take me to the Profile screen
Company Profile
To change your company information or add new team member, visit the Company Profile section of your settings details.
Company profiles are different than the user profiles, and can be edited by anyone with a company user account.

It holds information about your company. We are using these information to make our benchmark better for example to drill down questionnaire scores to different regions and so on.
It is recommended to update the company logo because this may appear in grader and questionnaire reports.
If you have a multi-user access, you're able to add/remove multiple users to the tool. These people will have the same access you do.
Take me to the Company Profile screen